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wdt_ID Title of Activity Organization Type of Practice Target Population Lenght of the Activity Country Themes (according to the ones set in the survey) Core Activities Category defining the core activity
1 Playground friend Ibarberri School School-wide activity Primary School Students, 6-12 year old Two school-years Lekunberri. Navarre. Spain Masculinity Deconstruction of gender role School atmosphere Caring tasks Sharing spaces After analysing what happened in their playground for one whole year, they decided to change some material aspects, on the one hand, and some regulations from a gender perspective on the other. Teachers got specific training for it. Students took part in Intervention for an egalitarian use of the space (playground) in a school-wide project.
2 Skolae activities Virgen de la Oliva Classroom activities Primary School students, 6-12 year old 6 periods X 45' Carcastillo. Navarre. Spain Visibility of women, masculinities, respect for diversity and identities, deconstruction of gender roles, empowering, sexual education After a period of training, every teacher in this school has practised 3 or 4 activities of the Skolae Programme per grade, per year. It shows the involvement of the school in this area, in spite of the huge work it means devoting time and efforts to it, Didactic intervention to transform the lesson-plans to be more in a whole-school programme.
3 Playground friend Mendialdea II School-wide activity Primary School students (6-12 year-old) One school-year Berriozar. Navarre. Spain Prevention of violence against women, deconstruction of gender role, active citecenship and democratical values, school atmosphere After analysing what happened in their playground they noticed that the role of supervising the use of the playground was “invisible” and “feminised.” Now they have created groups of 3 boys and girls (10-12 years old) that play a caring role during the br Intervention for an egalitarian use of the space (playground) in a school-wide project.
4 Awareness days’ calendar Hegoalde Ikastola School-wide activity Kinder Garden (3-6 year-old) and Primary School students (6-12 year-old) One school-year Pamplona/Iruñea. Navarre. Spain Prevention of violence against women, visibility of women, respect for diversity and identities, empowering. As a part of the Skolae Programme, school administrators have systematised the celebration of different “Awareness Days” (International Day for “the Elimination of Violence Against Women”, “Women in Science Day", March 8th, LGTBIQ+ Pride Day, 28th June…) Didactic intervention to transform the lesson-plans in a whole-school programme.
5 Skolae Programme Navarre's Board of Education Teachers training programme and classroom activities Kinder Garden (3-6 year-old) and Primary School students (6-12 year-old) One school-year Navarre. Spain Prevention of violence against women, ciberviolence, visibility of women, masculinities, respect for diversity and identity, deconstruction of gender roles, active citizenship and democratical education, empowering, sexual education, human rights and figh This education programme is being progressively implemented on a compulsory basis in most schools in Navarre. It offers teacher training and a wide range of materials (over 200 practical activities) to be used in class/at school, covering different aspect Teachers training programme to provide theoretical and practical resources for an egualitarian education.
6 Accept and change Secondary school with German language "Fr. Schiller", Ruse Outside pedagogical activity with your pupils; Teacher training; Teaching and learning methods / guidelines 11-30 years old 3 years project Bulgaria Prevention of gender violence; Cyber gender violence; Respect of diversity and identities; Gender roles deconstruction; Human rights / fighting discrimination; The school notices a frequency in cases of school violence in Bulgaria, especially between girls and most of the cases are based on gender. “Accept and change” is a European project dedicated to the fight against discrimination and cyber violence – topics Raising awareness among 11-30 year-old students about the various forms of violence against women, such a cybervioence in a schoole-wide teacher-training programme.
7 Discrimination does (not) exist Geo Milev English Language High School, Ruse Teacher training; Teaching and learning methods / guidelines; Adapting curriculum to acknowledge equality 11-30 years old 3 years - Training of trainers Bulgaria Prevention of gender violence; Cyber gender violence; Woman visibility (place dedicated to women in the different fields of society: arts, politics, professional world, history, etc...); Respect of diversity and identities; Active citizenship / democr A European project concerning discrimination and cyber violence, in which students have expressed a desire to participate due to the frequent cases of school violence in Bulgaria, especially between girls and based on gender, as well as the frequency of c Raising awareness among 11-30 year-old students about the various forms of violence against women, such a cybervioence in a schoole-wide and teacher training programme.
8 Gender Stereotypes in Professional Orientation - Role of School Center for Sustainable Communities Development Teacher training; Adapting curriculum to acknowledge equality 9-12 years old 2 years project Bulgaria Woman visibility (place dedicated to women in the different fields of society: arts, politics, professional world, history, etc...); Gender roles deconstruction; Educational guidance The project activity contains the following elements: а survey of students and teachers’ opinion on the topic of gender equality and the need for conducting a training related to that matter. A teachers training is organized, after which they reviewed the Teachers training programme to review the programs in 10 different schools to visualize women's legacy in any fields.
9 European project "Support for Success" Secondary school "St. St. Cyril and Methodius", Strelcha Teaching material to use with your pupils; Inside pedagogical activity with your pupils'; Adapting curriculum to acknowledge equality 9-12 years old 30 months Bulgaria Woman visibility (place dedicated to women in the different fields of society: arts, politics, professional world, history, etc...); Respect of diversity and identities; Gender roles deconstruction; School climate The school reports a tendency of differences in the degree of assimilation of the educational material between the two sexes. In particular, girls show higher results. The school emphasizes on the fact that the lower results from specific students might i Program aims to ensure equal access to quality education, specifically in the Geography curriculum, in Secondary Education.
10 Project "Women in history. Educational module with cultural route" Association European Spaces 21’s project Outside pedagogical activity with your pupils; Teaching and learning methods / guidelines; Adapting curriculum to acknowledge equality 6-9 years old; 9-12 years old One year Bulgaria Woman visibility (place dedicated to women in the different fields of society: arts, politics, professional world, history, etc...); Gender roles deconstruction; Active citizenship / democracy education; Empowerment; Primary school Father Paisii (Ruse) took part in an event under the Association European Spaces 21’s project "Women in History. Educational module with cultural route". In an interactive dialogue with the students, the lecturers Reneta Roshkeva from the H Colaborative programme to ensure students get instruction about the historical times when ladies defended their rights in society.
11 Youth Parliament Ecole des 4 coins Classroom activities Primary school 9-11 year-old students 6 months Pau city, Bordeaux Académie (France) Deconstruction of stereotypes, deconstruction of gender roles, equality of rights, democratical education, visibility of women The pupils tackled questions of stereotypes and discrimination through different inputs (art, sport, educational and vocational guidance) and from different media (reading images, meeting with a researcher, debates) in order to exercise the students' crit Didactic intervention to include gender stereotypes issues in the teaching-learning program.
12 Organisation of the school playground Ecole des Bosquets, school of Mérignac (33) School-wide activity Primary School One year City of Merignac Bordeaux Academy (France) Masculinity, deconstruction of gender roles, caring tasks and sharing spaces, school atmosphere Mérignac city, near Bordeaux, plans to review the layout of playgrounds in schools. (the city is responsible for the school building). The pupils and teachers of this school were asked to express their ideas. Parents and extra curriculum activities staff Didactic intervention to transform the use of the playground in a more egualitarian space.
13 Youth Parliament School of Morcenx One classroom Primary School 6 months City of Morcenx Bordeaux Academy (France) Deconstruction of stereotypes, deconstruction of gender roles, equality of rights, democratical education, visibility of women It was about introducing a text of law / a bill on the theme of equality between men and women .They decided to select the respective length of parental leave granted to women and men. It allowed them to ask questions about discrimination in recruitment a Didactic intervention to rise awereness about gender inequality.
14 Youth Parliament Ecole Marca One classroom Primary School 6 months City of Pau Bordeaux Academy (France) Deconstruction of stereotypes, deconstruction of gender roles, equality of rights, democratical education, visibility of women It was about introducing a text of law / a bill on the theme of equality between men and women.Faced with the persistence of stereotypes at school, in the playground and in the classroom, the teacher first collected the students' representations of the ty Didactic intervention to rise awereness about gender inequality.
15 Equality between girls and boys begins at school Ecole du Peyrouat, school of Mont-de-Marsan (40) (Fr) School-wide activity Primary School 5 years City of Mont-de-Marsan Bordeaux Academy (France) Deconstruction of stereotypes, deconstruction of gender roles, equality of rights, democratical education, visibility of women, masculinity, caring tasks and sharing spaces, school atmosphere, citizenship School-wide project in all classes for 5 years to deconstruct gender roles and question collective spaces and their use. Systemic work in classrooms through observation, debate, use of children's literature, artistic activities and their public presentati Intervention for an egalitarian use of the space (playground) in a school-wide project, with the involvement of families.
16 Vem e man (Who is a man) Ekvalita Book School consult ? Finland Discuss and lecture on norms and gender equality Writing a book on how to work on gender equality issues in schools "Skapa plats" (create place) Didactic intervention to rise awereness about gender equality issues.
17 Systematic work to achieve goals in the national curriculum Malms skola Classroom and Everyday work Primary School ? Finland Implement and make goals visible in everyday work Scrutinize gender equality goals in the national curriculum Intervention to ensure the development of gender equality goals in the curriculum.
18 Equality in education Vasa Övningsskola plan and awareness Primary School ? Finland Shed light and create awareness in activities and in teacher education Gender equality plan Teacher training and didactic intervention to rise awereness about the need of gender equality plans.
19 Several programmes – no collective title Gender Museum Denmark Teacher training, teaching and learning methods Lower secondary School Denmark Womens visibility, masculinity, respect of diversity and identities, gender roles deconstruction, active citizenship, sex and health education Teacher training at the premises of the museum. They provide several teaching programmes that all encapture awareness of norms for body, gender, and sexuality. They provide courses for teachers in middle school as well as courses for teacher students. The Teachers training programme to increase awereness about norms related to body, gender and sexuality.
20 No title NGO: Sexuality and Society Teacher training and teaching materials Lower secondary School Denmark Deconstruction of stereotypes, respect of diversity and identities, empowerment, sex and health education, human rights, school climate, norm critique Teacher training and the development of materials for teaching. The material aims at providing children, youth and adults with knowledge about body, gender, and sexuality through a rights-based and norm-critical point of view. Teachers training programme to increase awereness of stereotypes and norms related to body, gender and sexuality.
21 No title UCC Teacher training 6-16 years old 1 week Denmark Deconstruction of stereotypes, respect of diversity and identities, empowerment, sex and health education, human rights, school climate, Health and sex education is part of the curriculum at both teacher university as well as in school. However, it is not mandatory at the teacher education, and has no proper subject ‘slot’ at school. The main objective of the practice is knowledge and empo Teacher training programme to promote health and sex education.
22 No title The Danish Film Institute/ children and youth Teaching materials 6-16 years old 2-5 lessons Denmark Deconstruction of stereotypes, respect of diversity and identities,sex and health education, human rights The practice focuses on developing teaching materials addressing gender stereotypes in Danish society and in schools. Its main aim is to challenge both teachers’ and students’ view on gender norms. The material addresses curriculum goals such as ‘the stud Didactic intervention to raise awereness and to plan actions to reduce gender stereotypes.
23 No title Lindegaardsskolen Classroom activities 12-16 years old trimester Denmark Respect of diversity and identities, empowerment, sex and health education, human rights The aim of the practice is becoming aware of inequality and biases. The activities are studying gender in Denmark vs other countries, learning about biological sex vs. gender identity, inviting an LGBTQI-person into classroom, mime sentences like ‘fight l Didactic intervention to raise awereness and to tackle gender and sexual ineaquality and biases.
24 LGBT+ Danish Youth Programme 2020-2021 LGBT+ Teacher training, teaching and learning methods, adapting 12-16 years old 5 lessons or more Denmark Deconstruction of stereotypes, respect of diversity and identities, sex and health education, human rights, school climate. The practice has consisted of developing teaching materials, doing teacher training and developing teaching guidelines for teachers in primary school. The teaching material (LARM) and the teaching course has addressed students’ ability to recognize discri Developing teaching materials and puting into practice a teacher training programme that aims students to tackle gender ans sexual stereotypes.
25 Adapting curriculum in Social Studies Husum School Adapting curriculum 12-16 years old Over a week Denmark Deconstruction of stereotypes, respect of diversity and identities, prevention of gender violence, active citizenship Introducing gender and gender bias in social studies and Danish classes. The aim of the practices has been to heighten the awareness of gender stereotypes among pupils and to focus on diversity and equality in society and in school. The activities involve Introducing gende issues in a specific teaching area.
Title of Activity Organization Type of Practice Target Population Lenght of the Activity Country Themes (according to the ones set in the survey) Core Activities Category defining the core activity